
Responsible for the content of this website is:

Wim van Betuw Practice for Energetic Healing

C/o Praxis für Physiotherapie Lynn Zimmermann Bergstrasse 29 . 48727 Billerbeck - Germany

Phone: +49 (0)2543 - 930 20 63

Cellphone: +49 (0)176 - 38 48 81 59


Concept and design

styleabyte - web- und printdesign Tina Dähn:


Karin Nobs: Internet+Konzept+Design


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The contents of this website have been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, the provider does not assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content provided here. The interpretation and application of the contents of this website is the sole responsibility of the user. Named contributions reflect the opinion of the author and not always the opinion of the provider. The use of information on this website does not create any form of contract between the user and the provider.

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The external links shown here lead to the content of external providers. Only the provider in question is responsible for this content. Upon becoming aware of any breach of law, these links will be removed with immediate effect.

Energetic Healing

The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany decided the following on 2 March 2004:

Anyone who activates the self-healing powers of the patient/client by laying on of hands and does not make any diagnoses, does not require a medical practitioner's licence.

Practice for Energetic Healing- C/o Praxis für Physiotherapie Lynn Zimmermann

Bergstrasse 29 - 48727 Billerbeck, Germany  - Phone: +49-(0)2543-930 20 63

Cellphone: +49-(0)176-38 48 81 59  -   e-Mail:


